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Tag: Lifestyle

Oct 19
Learning how to trust

One of the most important ingredients for any type of human relationship is trust.…

Aug 21
How to choose your social relationships

One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned in life is to surround myself with the…

Jul 01
7 things to focus on this year

From my personal experience, I can say these next 7 principles are completely life…

Jun 24
The importance of having a career mentor

“Good leaders make things happen, the best leaders empower others to do…

Aug 14
Full moon in Aquarius asana practice

The full moon in Aquarius happening on August 15th can bring an intense energy and…

Aug 10
A yoga asana sequence for healing

When going through a break-up, a loss of a loved one or any other experience which can…

Jul 20
6 powerful affirmations to use during Mercury Retrograde

The arrival of Mercury retrograde comes with many different energy shifts.…

Mar 27
50 life lessons to live by

1. Make peace with your past. What has happened already is gone. Learn from those…

Mar 04
How to deal with Mercury retrograde

This month we once again welcome the arrival of the Mercury in retrograde. This is one…

Feb 23

One of the most beautiful aspects about life is that you can always reinvent yourself.…