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10 ways to boost positive energy in your life

Everyday life brings new experiences that may be pleasant or unpleasant. This we cannot control. But we can choose how we nourish ourselves to create a good vibe so that no matter what life comes with, we can be present and live harmoniously.

If we pay attention to our daily habits and routines, at what we do and how we do it, we can identify what helps us to feel at our best and what drains our energy. When we start to focus on living and experiencing life, rather than finding faults and problems then life becomes more joyful. And with this, we can shift our energy also. 

Here are 10 ways to boost positive energy in your life:


In yoga philosophy, we learn about prana. This is the vital essence, the life force in the subtle body that gives vitality to our physical existence. The breath is the driver of the prana, so the more we focus on correct breathing, the more we expand the prana. Pranayama is the control and expansion of prana, therefore we can increase the flow of prana through these breathing techniques. Some really powerful ones are Kapalabhati/the fire breath, Bastrika/bellow breath, Nadi Shodhana/alternate nostril breathing. At the least, we can learn to sit still and breathe mindfully daily. Even 2-3 minutes of this can help us to regulate the nervous system and bring a sense of calm and clarity to the mind.

Time in nature

The best source of prana (in my opinion) is found in nature. The fresh air and warmth of the sun, a refreshing dip in the sea, a grounding barefoot walk on the grass, even the touch of rain drops on our skin can work wonders to our mind. The more time we can spend outdoors, the more joyful we become. Sometimes all we need is a breath of fresh air to heal our wounds and shift our overthinking mind. 

10 ways to boost positive energy in your life

Spending time on your hobbies

This is one of my favourite ways to zone out and chill. Hobbies are so important because they are a beautiful way to connect with our creativity and be present in the moment. When we do what we love not as a career, but simply for the joy of it, this instantly boosts our energy and fills us with positive, vibrant energy. 

Take a refreshing shower

Believe it or not, simply by taking a shower we can shift our energy levels. The element of water represents fluidity and movement which helps to move stagnant energy and energise the body/mind. It is also cleansing, so anytime the mind is overcrowded with thoughts, or the body feels tense, take a shower (room temperature water) and enjoy the sensation of water on your skin. Let it all clear away and be present in the moment. 

Be around animals

Our furry friends are full of joy and love. They are so simple in their ways and non-judgemental. An animal doesn’t care if we are rich or poor, what we look like or what we do for a living. All they want is to be part of our life. Spending time with or around animals is a beautiful way to activate Anahata, the heart chakra. It brings out the emotions of love, compassion, trust and acceptance. If you don’t have pets, volunteering at an animal shelter is a great way to do some karma yoga and to be around animals. Even visiting a pet shop is enough to come in contact with them and spend some time around animals.

Physical exercise

Daily movement is so important. Not only it keeps us strong, flexible and healthy in the body but also in the mind. Whether you enjoy the gym, running, skipping, Pilates etc or simply going for a walk outdoors, take the time to move a little bit everyday. This will release all those happy good feel chemical in the brain, increase sweat (which is needed to remove toxins from the body), helps with proper digestion and boosts mental functioning too. This is definitely all the good energy we need. 

10 ways to boost positive energy in your life

Set the mood in your home

Our home space is perhaps one of the most important places in our life. The way we maintain our home reflects our inner state. Focusing on de-cluttering the space and keeping everything simple, tidy and clean, gives is the space to have mental clarity. Burning incense stick, beautiful scented candles or palo santo/sage can also provide a relaxing and cleansing experience overall. Especially the latter two, which have been used for hundreds of years by healers to remove any negative energy and promote more peace. 

Music and dancing

Dancing is a wonderful way to move any stagnant energy in the body. The combination of sound/music and movement can boost our overall state, helping us feel more fluid and adaptable. Moving freely to music can be so empowering and may also help to increase our self-esteem and confidence. Feeling good in our physical body can be an instant mood changer.

Social connection

We are here on this planet to interact with one another, to connect and help one another evolve in some way. Choose wisely who you spend your energy and time with. Even just by having a short conversation with a loved one, a colleague, a mentor or even a stranger can boost our energy levels by creating a sense of connection and belonging. Not all people are a joy to be around, but if we can learn to focus on being present and grateful for every connection and recognise the ones that create a positive experience in our life, we can choose to devote our time on this also. Spending time alone is important, but it is equally as important to be involved and present in the world, to connect and be open to share life with others. 

Practice daily gratitude

If there is one thing I suggest to everyone to do is daily gratitude. I know we hear it everywhere, but there is really not enough thank you’s we can say everyday. If we start living in gratitude it means that we are living from a place of abundance and fullness, not from lack. We are open to all the wonderful aspects of life and even the smallest, simplest thing is something to be grateful for. Live in gratitude and it will transform your whole attitude.