Relax your body and mind and unwind before bed time. A restorative yoga practice might be just what you need to get a good night’s sleep.
Restorative yoga is a gentle style of practice in which there is little to no physical effort. For this reason, in restorative practices we always use yoga props, and lots of them. Most commonly used are the bolsters and blankets, because they are soft and comforting, both qualities of the restorative style.
This practice can be done at the end of the day, just before you go to bed. All you need are some cushions/pillows as I used in the images (if you don’t have bolsters) and a blanket. I usually burn some relaxing incense sticks, light up some candles and do my restorative practice in candlelight. Artificial light can irritate the eyes at night time, so setting the mood with candles can create a more natural evening ambiance. If music helps you relax, you can play some calming melodic sounds at lower volume.
Practice the following sequence in the order displayed and if comfortable, hold the asanas for the time mentioned. You can adjust the time to suit you. Focus on your breath and relax. There should be no force or physical effort in any of the postures.
Hold for 3 minutes on each side.
Hold for 5 minutes on each side.
Hold for 3 minutes on each side.
Hold for 3 minutes on each side.
Hold for 5 minutes.
Hold for 7-10 minutes.