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Tag: Lifestyle

Jan 25
3 ways to practice gratitude everyday

Learn how to start practicing gratitude with these 3 helpful ways to practice…

Jan 22
3 Ayurvedic principles when cooking food

Learn about the importance of cooking consciously with these 3 Ayurvedic principles…

Nov 20
7 reminders for staying joyful

A list of 7 reminders for staying joyful and content with life and its moments.​Life…

Nov 12
What is Santosha in Yoga Philosophy and how can we practice it in life?

In Raja yoga, the 8 limbs of yoga are the steps Sri Patanjali suggests to take for…

Nov 11
3 Ingredients relaxing DIY body exfoliator

A lovely skin treat with this 3 ingredients relaxing DIY body exfoliator. ​I’ve been…

Oct 23
6 ways to clear the energy in your home

Our home is supposed to be the space we feel safe in, calm and free. This is our…

Oct 21
5 powerful affirmations to help inspire and transform your life

Life is full of ups and downs. The constant shift between the two polar energies of…

Oct 11
Ayurvedic tips for happy glowy skin

When it comes to the wellbeing of our skin, there are many factors to take in…

Sep 25
3 New moon practices to welcome in something new in your life

New moons are always an invitation to a new beginning. This can be a big change such…

Aug 20
The connection between Ayurveda and Yoga

Understanding the connection between Ayurveda and Yoga can bring us closer to…