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Tag: Lifestyle

Aug 03
5 habits for a positive lifestyle

Living a positive, healthier lifestyle is a personal journey and it can look different…

Jun 01
7 Tasty easy vegan and gluten-free breakfast ideas

Get your morning culinary inspiration with these 7 tasty easy vegan and gluten free…

May 30
4 Important teachings of the Yoga Philosophy to apply in daily life

One of the most beautiful aspects of yoga is that it is a complete life philosophy (in…

Feb 08
5 practices to channel into the full moon in Leo with asanas for each one

Full moons are always a bitter sweet experience because they always bring some sort of…

Dec 22
How to respond to constructive criticism and feedback

Constructive criticism or feedback are essential for our self-development and growth.…

Dec 08
3 creative ways to find your motivation

It’s there and then it disappears… Motivation is a state of mind and a lifestyle…

Aug 25
Daily habits for emotional well-being and balance

Our emotional states can fluctuate constantly and this can affects our overall…

Aug 14
5 Daily self-care tips inspired by Ayurveda

We often think of self-care as a pampering regime, and this is true to an extent.…

May 08
How to succeed at everything you do

Have you ever felt that deep burning desire within you to do something great? You felt…

Feb 25
How to see heartbreak as a blessing

Throughout my life, I’ve been blessed enough to experience some epic break-ups, some…